A mind at peace a mind centered and not focused on harming others is stronger than any physical force in the universe quote, SUPP UP quotes, strength quotes

“A mind at peace, a mind centered and not focus on harming…

Mindful Quote Mention…

A mind at peace a mind centered and not focused on harming others is stronger than any physical force in the universe quote, SUPP UP quotes, strength quotes
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We’re back with another Mindful Quote Mention.

This quote reminds me of Henry Rollins’ ‘Iron and The Soul’.

I’ve always had a bone to pick with people who harmed others for no reason. It’s been my ‘moral compass’ you could say…feeling the need to push back for those who couldn’t do it themselves or didn’t have the strength.

Strength isn’t about who can hit the hardest – it’s about how grounded you are in yourself. When you’re grounded in yourself, you don’t have a desire to hurt or harm others for no reason.

From the bully in grade school to someone in charge that tries to push people around, their actions aren’t a statement of power – but of weakness.

They try and hide it, but insecurity and fear rears its head in every little thing they do…because they need others to push around in order to validate their existence. Gaining power means nothing, because even with power, their weakness reveals itself.

The weak mind is the one who preys on others.

The calm, centered mind comes through every time. It’s a source of strength for the person that has it, and a reminder for those that aspire to it. This transfers over into all parts of your life – your workouts, your eating habits, your home life, your career, your business…your legacy.

Stay centered. Stay focused. Stay strong.

That’s all, folks.

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Both books have recipes that provide nutritional breakdown so it makes things nice and easy.

Drop by next week for yet another great post to add to your workout and nutrition arsenal.

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Photo Credit:

Feature Image: Jakob Owens