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Workout Nutrition DIY: Why Diets Suck.

This topic in particular is long overdue.

But before we get started….how’s everyone doing? Back at the gym? Tried out that strength building technique I told you about last time? Good.

Like every Workout Nutrition DIY post, I thought this would be a good one to loop in with the last blog post as the two go hand in hand when it comes to getting (and maintaining) the body you want (or already have).

People talking about diets all this January has really been the equivalent annoyance levels of me wanting to toss something heavy out the nearest window.

So time to turn that rage into education!


Let’s get started.

Wipe the donut dust off your mouth and pay attention. This is handy for both men and women.

Workout Nutrition DIY: Why Diets Suck.

Workout Nutrition DIY Why Diets Suck SUPP UP, why diets don't work, why diets fail, why diets make us fat, why diets fail explained, why diets don't work book, why diets are bad, SUPP UP Workout Nutrition DIY Why Diets Suck, best fiets for weight loss, best diets, best diets to lose fat, best diets for quick weight loss, Workout Nutrition DIY Why Diets Suck, SUPP UP Blog, SUPP UP books, SUPP UP Sol Rego, Sol Rego, Workout Nutrition DIY SUPP UP, SUPP UP No Bull Whole Food Military Nutrition On The Go, SUPP UP No Bull Whole Food Military Nutrition At Home, SUPP UP No Bull Gym In A Bag Workout Guide, military nutrition, SUPP UP Guides, SUPP UP Military nutrition Guide, military, veterans, military muscle, army nutrition, navy nutrition, air force nutrition, military diet, Spec Ops nutrition

So you picked up a bit of holiday weight – and dodged the gym like your least favorite relatives at Christmas dinner.

Now you’re trying to figure out how to burn it off, and fast. Well I’ve got news for you – most diets suck.

Why? Because the way people go about ‘dieting’ makes it so. And the way most diets are structured cause most people to quickly fall off the band wagon. While usually, this is where I say “embrace the suck,” this is one time I won’t – because unless you’re a competitive body builder shooting for crazy low body fat percentage, “dieting” or “eating with purpose” as I like to call it, is a hell of a lot easier than most people think.

I’ve been lifting for over 10 years now, and if it’s one thing I’ve learned about being in this game is this – while others such as myself have a love for the iron and doing their research on nutrition, the average person does not – and we all know a veteran buddy or two that’s let themselves go.

Getting all science-y on you right now isn’t gonna do either of us any good.

I learned this the hard way early on in my lifting life when it came to talking to people about nutrition. Simple and easy to follow, easy to remember is the way to go.

Easy has also caused people to shy away from fats (which actually fuel your heart), fruits, and salt – at some point the media has branded all of these as bad – “fats are bad! Fruit sugars are dangerously high! Salt causes high blood pressure!” – they’ve said…but let’s talk about the good easy.

People follow easy. People remember easy. Complicate things when someone’s got a learning curve to tackle and unless you’ve still got that “overcome anything” warrior mentality, most people’ll dip their toe in the water and scram the minute they do saying it’s too cold.

Workout Nutrition DIY Why Diets Suck SUPP UP, why diets don't work, why diets fail, why diets make us fat, why diets fail explained, why diets don't work book, why diets are bad, SUPP UP Workout Nutrition DIY Why Diets Suck, best fiets for weight loss, best diets, best diets to lose fat, best diets for quick weight loss, Workout Nutrition DIY Why Diets Suck, SUPP UP Blog, SUPP UP books, SUPP UP Sol Rego, Sol Rego, Workout Nutrition DIY SUPP UP, SUPP UP No Bull Whole Food Military Nutrition On The Go, SUPP UP No Bull Whole Food Military Nutrition At Home, SUPP UP No Bull Gym In A Bag Workout Guide, military nutrition, SUPP UP Guides, SUPP UP Military nutrition Guide, military, veterans, military muscle, army nutrition, navy nutrition, air force nutrition, military diet, Spec Ops nutrition

This is exactly why I don’t write anything geared towards “dieting” – because the word in itself has developed a negative connotation over the decades.

This is also what SUPP UP. is all about – stripping away the unnecessary. It’s why I wrote the guides in the most basic format possible and cut out all the headache so you could get the most gains, with the least stress.

Anyway enough with the fluff talk. Here’s 3 basic rules to remember that’ll help you cut fat and stay in good shape all year round.

Rule Number 1:
Eat Your Damn Breakfast.

And no, not the Frosted Flakes you’ve been eating since you were a kid. A REAL breakfast. Don’t like breakfast? Well a) you’re probably doing it wrong (you’re snacking at night just before bed) and b) you’re breakfast is probably sugar-laden or carb intensive.

Unless you’ve got a 5 am conditioning workout to knockout (which, even then, should be fueled with good intra-workout nutrition), you’re breakfast should be substantial – and protein loaded.

Your cortisol levels (that’s the stuff that can help or hinder you, but for now all you need to know is it stores fat) are higher in the morning. Combine that with your childhood breakfast habits and it’s no wonder you’re not getting anywhere when it comes to dropping fat and goddammit you’re still hungry all morning.

This all has to do with the brain and what you’ve conditioned it to do. Ever thought of the word breakfast? Break it down – break-fast? Break fast? At night your body goes through a fasting period – this can mean removing toxins, restoring energy levels, generally the maintenance work it can’t do during the day to make sure everything under the hood is working just fine the next day.

If we think about how a heavy meal takes 3-4 hours to digest, and a snack or light meal taking 30 minutes to up to 1.5 hours, this means when you stuff your face just before bed you’re throwing your body off – primarily your brain – for the work it needs to do that night. This mostly has to do with hormones you end up fucking with but like I said, I’m not gonna get technical.

So the simple instruction is this: Stop stuffing your face 3-4 hours before bed, and eat a good, high protein breakfast in the morning. Ideally making your heavy meals breakfast and lunch, and your lightest meal dinner (or ‘front loading’) works best for fat loss.

Workout Nutrition DIY Why Diets Suck SUPP UP, why diets don't work, why diets fail, why diets make us fat, why diets fail explained, why diets don't work book, why diets are bad, SUPP UP Workout Nutrition DIY Why Diets Suck, best fiets for weight loss, best diets, best diets to lose fat, best diets for quick weight loss, Workout Nutrition DIY Why Diets Suck, SUPP UP Blog, SUPP UP books, SUPP UP Sol Rego, Sol Rego, Workout Nutrition DIY SUPP UP, SUPP UP No Bull Whole Food Military Nutrition On The Go, SUPP UP No Bull Whole Food Military Nutrition At Home, SUPP UP No Bull Gym In A Bag Workout Guide, military nutrition, SUPP UP Guides, SUPP UP Military nutrition Guide, military, veterans, military muscle, army nutrition, navy nutrition, air force nutrition, military diet, Spec Ops nutrition

You’re also prone to snack less. If you’re a nerd and want to check out the research, have a look at ‘The Endocrine Society’ under References at the end of this post.

Rule Number 2:
Craving Sugar? Man Up.

The next time you reach for a sugar water or a high sugar snack, slap your hand and go for things that have natural sugars. By natural, I mean things like fruits, vegetables (sweet vegetables), and fruit juices with no added sugar.

By added sugar, I mean artificial sugars – fructose, sucrose, maltodextrin – whatever you want to call it, they’re all additional sugars that if you’re trying to cut fat, have got to go.

“But what about on weekends?” You’re probably groaning. Listen people – eating clean all week all goes to shit if you gorge on the weekend. Moderation is key.

Just remember this: When you want something sweet, if you’re having to read a food label before eating it, you should probably avoid it. Think about it – have you ever seen an ingredients list on a peach? An apple? An orange? Thinking like this also causes you to stop obsessively counting calories.

Stick with nature’s sugars and you’ll drop fat like a protein fart drops flies.

Rule Number 3:
Cut Your Carbs Down to Brain Function Levels.

This one rule may make you feel a little uncomfortable – “but what about my workouts? They’ll suffer! I’ll be fatigued!”

Well, no, you won’t, really – not if you’ve read my post on intra-workout nutrition. If you’ve read either of my nutrition guides you’ll know this isn’t true either. Long story short, like protein, carbs should be focused on what you’re doing that day – so if you’re working out and you know the intensity of your workout, you make sure your carbs match up…and like I said in the books – carbs aren’t your enemy – you letting your flabby lips run wild with carbs is.

So how many? 156. Like I said in the nutrition guides 156 grams of carbohydrates is the minimum you need to support your brain functions, while avoiding dipping into blood proteins, amino acids, and other energy stores. But if you’re insulin resistant, have a very sedentary lifestyle most of the day or are severely obese, you can alternatively shoot for 100-125 grams per day. You have to make sure your fats, proteins, and workout nutrition are on point though.

This should only be periodic and for fat loss goals. Carbs are your friend, and having a consistently low carb-intake can tax your brain functions, CNS, and hamper your hard-earned muscle mass (especially when not utilizing workout nutrition).

Workout Nutrition DIY Why Diets Suck SUPP UP, why diets don't work, why diets fail, why diets make us fat, why diets fail explained, why diets don't work book, why diets are bad, SUPP UP Workout Nutrition DIY Why Diets Suck, best fiets for weight loss, best diets, best diets to lose fat, best diets for quick weight loss, Workout Nutrition DIY Why Diets Suck, SUPP UP Blog, SUPP UP books, SUPP UP Sol Rego, Sol Rego, Workout Nutrition DIY SUPP UP, SUPP UP No Bull Whole Food Military Nutrition On The Go, SUPP UP No Bull Whole Food Military Nutrition At Home, SUPP UP No Bull Gym In A Bag Workout Guide, military nutrition, SUPP UP Guides, SUPP UP Military nutrition Guide, military, veterans, military muscle, army nutrition, navy nutrition, air force nutrition, military diet, Spec Ops nutrition

Follow any these rules and you’ll be one step closer to fat loss. It obviously won’t work if you’re nutrition intake is shit, but for those of you willing to make an effort, you’ll do just fine.

Write me and let me know when you start to see results.

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It’s a good way to keep the blog running healthy and strong. Every item, the material, colors, style, ingredients, and quality, are all hand picked by me. If I won’t wear it, eat it, drink it, or read it – I won’t sell it.

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If you go ahead and get the guide instead, either as an E-book or paperback, you’ll discover great ways to get more out of your nutrition and workouts while traveling or on the go (preview of chapters available in shop) or at home.

Drop by next week for yet another great post to add to your workout and nutrition arsenal.

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If You Know How To Fuel and Train Your Body, Where You Are Matters Less.™



The Endocrine Society. 2018, March 18. High-energy breakfast promotes weight loss: Diet helps reduce total daily insulin dose for type 2 diabetes. ScienceDaily. Available from

Workout Nutrition DIY: Why Diets Suck. is a post from and appeared first on SUPP UP.

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Photo Credit:

Photo 1: Jonathan Borba
Photo 2: John Fornander
Photo 3: Jennifer Burk
Photo 4: Sven Mieke