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Breakfast Bites: Grill, Blend, and Grow – Try This.

Well Happy Monday, and long time no see. I was reminded of an important lesson these past couple of weeks – technology is indeed, fallible.

Now that things are back up and running, I’d like to say sorry to my readers. The days of laptops and computers makes me miss pen and paper sometimes but then, I wouldn’t get a chance to reach out to you all half as easily, now would I?

I haven’t done a Breakfast Bites post in a while so thought I’d take this opportunity to do it now. Here’s a little cheat meal style breakfast option that’ll still give you the healthy fats, carbs, and protein that you need in the morning. I’m sure you’ll like this one.

Breakfast Bites: Grill, Blend, and Grow – Try This.

Breakfast Bites Grill Blend and Grow Try This, SUPP UP Breakfast Bites Grill Blend and Grow Try This, Breakfast Bites Grill Blend and Grow Try This SUPP UP, SUPP UP Breakfast Bites, Breakfast Bites SUPP UP, whole wheat bread nutrition, whole wheat benefits, is whole wheat bread good for weight loss, low gi bread, low gi snacks, low gi foods, SUPP UP No Bull Whole Food Military Nutrition On The Go, SUPP UP No Bull Whole Food Military Nutrition At Home, SUPP UP No Bull Gym In A Bag Workout Guide, military nutrition, SUPP UP Guides, SUPP UP Military nutrition Guide, SUPP UP Sol Rego, military, veterans, military muscle, fit life, fitness life, gym life, army nutrition, navy nutrition, air force nutrition, military diet, marines, coast guard, Spec Ops nutrition

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – breakfast is one of those things a lot of people tend to ignore or have excuses as to why they can’t handle food so early in the morning…but it’s not what time you eat, it’s how and what you eat.

Personally, when I look at what breakfast options most commercials or grocery store aisles serve up for suggestions, I can see why so many people are put off it – and why I used to be many moons ago, too.

But the other weekend while I was in the kitchen, grumbling under my breath about the technical difficulties I was having and the headache of getting things sorted, I broke out the griddle and made an old school favorite with a new school twist; after all, sometimes doing the simple things in life can be a great source of meditation when there’s a problem troubling your mind. Like mowing the lawn. Or carpentry.

And it got me wondering…does anyone remember their childhood favorites? When it comes to food that is. I’ve got a handful – one of which stuck out in my mind most prominently last week – the classic grilled cheese.

Breakfast Bites Grill Blend and Grow Try This, SUPP UP Breakfast Bites Grill Blend and Grow Try This, Breakfast Bites Grill Blend and Grow Try This SUPP UP, SUPP UP Breakfast Bites, Breakfast Bites SUPP UP, whole wheat bread nutrition, whole wheat benefits, is whole wheat bread good for weight loss, low gi bread, low gi snacks, low gi foods, SUPP UP No Bull Whole Food Military Nutrition On The Go, SUPP UP No Bull Whole Food Military Nutrition At Home, SUPP UP No Bull Gym In A Bag Workout Guide, military nutrition, SUPP UP Guides, SUPP UP Military nutrition Guide, SUPP UP Sol Rego, military, veterans, military muscle, fit life, fitness life, gym life, army nutrition, navy nutrition, air force nutrition, military diet, marines, coast guard, Spec Ops nutrition

This was one of the few things I always looked forward to, throughout my life, and still make well into adulthood. When you take a closer look at the nutritional profile, you can understand why, too (I’ll elaborate after the recipe).

But the classic grilled cheese of today is generally comprised of white bread and processed sliced cheese – sure, it tastes good in a sinful, guilty pleasure way, but the sheer imbalance of PUFAs packed into it make the juice a little less worth the squeeze, so to speak.

So I figured I’d offer up my favorite alternative – don’t worry, there’s still bread, cheese, and butter involved – but with all the nutrient dense benefits.


SUPP UP. Grilled Cheese

Makes: 2 grilled cheese.

Prep Time: 5-7 minutes

Cook Time: Varies, depending on stove top

Average Total Time: 15 minutes

Items Needed: A bread knife (or, a knife – just make sure it cuts stuff). A cheese knife (ditto). A butter knife (see the trend I’m trying to establish here?). A pan, skillet, or griddle.


  • 4 Slices Sourdough Bread
  • Cheddar cheese slices, cut to your desired thickness and enough to cover one slice of bread.
    • TIP: You can use other types of cheese if you have any favorites. Sometimes when I’m feeling fancy I’ll opt for gouda.
  • Full Fat Butter slices, enough to season your griddle, skillet, or frying pan (none of this margerine crap).


  1. Get your griddle, pan, or skillet nice and hot.
  2. While you’re waiting for that to happen, cut your bread, butter, and cheese into their respective slices.
  3. Smooth some butter over the grill side of your slices of bread, then add the cheese slices between 2 slices.
  4. Toss your grilled cheese onto the griddle, skillet, or pan, flipping them over until both sides both have a nice, toasted brown look to them.
  5. Take them off the heat and get them on a plate, cutting them in half and serve them up with some protein coffee (which I provided a recipe for in SUPP UP. No Bull, Whole Food Military Nutrition at Home in chapter 11), or a shake (I’ll elaborate further below).

Simple right?

Few things to mention.

If you bought either SUPP UP. nutrition books, you’ll know the benefits of all the ingredients listed – If you haven’t, well…you know what to do.

For a quick and dirty explanation, using sourdough bread for the grilled cheese means you’re using a slower releasing carb, while the cheddar cheese, if it’s all natural with no filler junk, gives you a good hit of protein. The other ingredient listed, full fat butter, is good for healthy saturated fats, which’ll help those muscles of yours grow if you’ve got a good workout regime going.

Important: When it comes to maintaining muscle mass, a big protein hit at the beginning of the day is also key. 2 grilled cheese aren’t going to be enough for that – so I’ll give you another tip I often use. Before eating your grilled cheese, mix up a protein shake (I usually measure it to get about 40-50 grams of protein in mine), spiked with leucine (3g). This does two things:

  1. It gives you a big protein hit which will make you feel fuller during and after you eat the grilled cheese.
  2. It helps keep your insulin sensitivity in check – it’s always good practice to start eating with a protein first, carb second.

Sometimes, and more recently, I’ve started using a blend of protein powders – no, not the pre-blended stuff you buy from supplement shops, but my own blend. It works well and I change it up according to the goals I’m working towards at any given moment. Maybe I’ll share my most recent blehd with you? Contact me if you’re interested and I’ll put it in a future post. 😉

Breakfast Bites Grill Blend and Grow Try This, SUPP UP Breakfast Bites Grill Blend and Grow Try This, Breakfast Bites Grill Blend and Grow Try This SUPP UP, SUPP UP Breakfast Bites, Breakfast Bites SUPP UP, whole wheat bread nutrition, whole wheat benefits, is whole wheat bread good for weight loss, low gi bread, low gi snacks, low gi foods, SUPP UP No Bull Whole Food Military Nutrition On The Go, SUPP UP No Bull Whole Food Military Nutrition At Home, SUPP UP No Bull Gym In A Bag Workout Guide, military nutrition, SUPP UP Guides, SUPP UP Military nutrition Guide, SUPP UP Sol Rego, military, veterans, military muscle, fit life, fitness life, gym life, army nutrition, navy nutrition, air force nutrition, military diet, marines, coast guard, Spec Ops nutrition

A childhood favorite doesn’t have to be ditched for healthier, less fun alternatives – but simply reinvented. Figuring out how to maintain your nutrient profile on a day to day basis without sacrificing enjoyment doesn’t have to be a task, if you learn how to understand your food, and your nutrient profile first – a good foundation is what’s important.

And now time to plug away (these muscles ain’t gonna feed themselves)…

If you liked this recipe, share it.

If you really like this recipe, but don’t have the SUPP UP. books yet, buy either SUPP UP. On The Go or SUPP UP. At Home E-BOOKS now, and discover what other, unique to each book recipes are available under the “Snacks” chapters (preview of chapters available in shop).

Both books have recipes that provide nutritional breakdown so it makes things dead easy.

Drop by next week for yet another great post to add to your workout and nutrition arsenal.

Stop doing guesswork, start making the necessities of your life easier.

SUPP UP. – Get your copies now.

If You Know How To Fuel and Train Your Body, Where You Are Matters Less.™


Breakfast Bites: Grill, Blend, and Grow – Try This. is a post from and appeared first on SUPP UP.

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Photo Credit:

Photo 1: Jonathan Pielmayer
Photo 2: NastyaSensei
Photo 3: Pixabay